jeudi 31 janvier 2013

ShaSha Co. – Innovations in Canadian Food Manufacturing

5982644300 fa0dbdd523 ShaSha Co.   Innovations in Canadian Food ManufacturingShaSha Co.’s Buckwheat Snack :

There are many snacks that claim to be healthy but in truth aren’t much better than their competition: junk food. Vegetable chips, granola bars and pre-packaged hummus sound like healthy choices but in reality are loaded with fats, sugars and oils. The popular ‘Terra Exotic Vegetable Chips’ advertise “A full serving of vegetables in every ounce,” on each bag of fried veggies. While vegetable chips are healthier than the average potato chip, they can be very misleading with statements like the one above, enabling consumers to eat the whole bag of a product they mistakenly believe to be healthy when they actually would have been better off sticking with their favourite bag of chips and a smaller portion. It’s not easy to find a snack that is both low in calories andlegitimately nutritious, but Canadian company ShaSha Co., a Natural Artisan Bakery located in Etobicoke, Ontario, has achieved just that with their revolutionary new Buckwheat Snack.
ShaSha Co., already popular with Canada’s health-conscious, is an artisan bakery that combines ancient baking techniques with innovative modern methods and seeks to make products that meet the needs (or in this case exceed expectations) of their customers who are looking for organic food that is nutritious, digestible and delicious.
President and CEO ShaSha Shaun Navazesh says “[This product has] so many things going for it. It’s organic, raw, vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, peanut-free, it contains prebiotics and beneficial probiotics – and it’s a great source of fibre and protein. It’s the ideal between-meal option. Instead of reaching for something sugary and processed when you get hungry, you can have a handful of the Buckwheat Snacks, and the slow-releasing fibre and nutrients will tide you over until you have time to cook a healthy meal.” That Navazesh considers how his healthy snacks will impact a well-balanced lifestyle speaks volumes about this growing Canadian company; he genuinely wants to see healthier Canadians.The company’s comprehensive website has a ‘Philosophy’ section with articles on health and nutrition, the organic ingredients they use and their research on bacterial culture; ShaSha Co. has the distinction of being the only bakery in Canada awarded the National Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program grant.
-is made of 100% raw, organic ingredients buckwheat groats, sunflower seeds, agave syrup, dried cranberries, dried apples, sultana raisins, almonds chicory root inulin, black currants, brown rice syrup, salt and bacillus coagulans (which means very minimal energy is consumed to make them as they are not heated or cooked)
-contains prebiotics and probiotics–Buckwheat Snacks contain prebiotics in the form of inulin from chicory root; this is the only fibre that remains intact as it moves from the small to the large intestine where it feeds the probiotic bacteria which improve digestion and immunity. These snacks also contain bacillus coagulans, a probiotic which improves intestinal flora, reduces abdominal discomfort and bloating and, again, improves digestion and immunity. This unique combination of prebiotics and probiotics makes this a snack that will help you lose weight, improve your mood and increase general vitality through its pacification of the digestive system.
-is wheat, gluten, dairy and peanut free!
-is a great source of dietary fibre
-is sweetened with agave nectar (unlike sugar, agave enters the bloodstream slowly and thus provides a steady source of energy rather than an immediate rush followed by a crash)
-is portable and sharable, and gives you enough energy to make it through a workout or a busy day. Available in two delicious flavours: Cocoa & Vanilla or Ginger & Cinnamon.
ShaSha Co. is synonymous with wholesome quality, and has dedicated years of research to coming up with unique, nutritious and, of course, delicious products manufactured in an environmentally-conscious facility. Says Navazesh, “A healthy, ready-to-eat snack with this many benefits? We’re proud to report there’s nothing else like it on the market.

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