jeudi 31 janvier 2013

President and CEO ShaSha Shaun Navazesh says “[This product has] so many things going for it. It’s organic, raw, vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, peanut-free, it contains prebiotics and beneficial probiotics – and it’s a great source of fibre and protein. It’s the ideal between-meal option. Instead of reaching for something sugary and processed when you get hungry, you can have a handful of the Buckwheat Snacks, and the slow-releasing fibre and nutrients will tide you over until you have time to cook a healthy meal.” That Navazesh considers how his healthy snacks will impact a well-balanced lifestyle speaks volumes about this growing Canadian company; he genuinely wants to see healthier Canadians.The company’s comprehensive website has a ‘Philosophy’ section with articles on health and nutrition, the organic ingredients they use and their research on bacterial culture; ShaSha Co. has the distinction of being the only bakery in Canada awarded the National Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program grant.

March 5th - 6th, 2013
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The Annual World Food Technology and Innovation Forum brings together the world leaders in food research and development, food innovation, marketing and food technology to debate and shape the future of the food industry.

Key themes include:

• Understanding and communicating with the new consumers vis-à-vis the current economic crisis
• Using social media to create new consumer interaction and food innovation strategies
• New food research and development strategies
• Creating successful open innovation networks to stimulate fresh innovation
• New ingredient innovations
• Capitalising on the growth in premium and luxury food sales
• Strengthening the brand against private label competition
• Innovation in health food products

Are You Registered for 11th Annual World Food Technology & Innovation Forum 2013?

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