vendredi 3 août 2012

Future foods: What will we be eating in 20 years’ time?

Volatile food prices and a growing population mean we have to rethink what we eat, say foodfuturologists.

So what might we be serving up in 20 years’ time?
It’s not immediately obvious what links Nasa, the price of meat and brass bands, but all three are playing a part in shaping what we will eat in the future and how we will eat it.
Rising food prices, the growing population and environmental concerns are just a few issues that have organisations – including the United Nations and the government – worrying about how we will feed ourselves in the future.
In the UK, meat prices are anticipated to have a huge impact on our diets. Some in the food industry estimate they could double in the next five to seven years, making meat a luxury item.
“In the West many of us have grown up with cheap, abundant meat,” says food futurologist Morgaine Gaye.
“Rising prices mean we are now starting to see the return of meat as a luxury. As a result we are looking for new ways to fill the meat gap.”
So what will fill such gaps and our stomachs – and how will we eat it?
Insects, or mini-livestock as they could become known, will become a staple of our diet, says Gaye.
Read more . . . (long article intéressant sur le site de la BBC avec chiffres et détails à l'adresse

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